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National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards
Part II Timely Disclosure
Section 2.1

Timely Disclosure

(1) Companies are required by law to immediately disclose a “material change [FN 1] in their business. For changes that a company initiates, the change occurs once the decision has been made to implement it. This may happen even before a company’s directors approve it, if the company thinks it is probable they will do so. A company discloses a material change by issuing and filing a press release describing the change. A company must also file a material change report as soon as practicable, and no later than 10 days after the change occurs. This policy statement does not alter in any way the timely disclosure obligations of companies.

(2) Announcements of material changes should be factual and balanced. Unfavourable news must be disclosed just as promptly and completely as favourable news. Companies that disclose positive news but withhold negative news could find their disclosure practices subject to scrutiny by securities regulators. A company’s press release should contain enough detail to enable the media and investors to understand the substance and importance of the change it is disclosing. Avoid including unnecessary details, exaggerated reports or promotional commentary.

FN 1 Securities legislation defines the term material change as “a change in the business, operations or capital of the issuer that would reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on the market price or value of any of the securities of the issuer and includes a decision to implement such a change made by the board of directors of the issuer by senior management of the issuer who believe that confirmation of the decision by the board of directors is probable”. The Québec Securities Act does not define the term “material change” and provides that “where a material change occurs that is likely to have a significant influence on the value or the market price of the securities of a reporting issuer and is not generally known, the reporting issuer shall immediately prepare and distribute a press release disclosing the substance of the change”. See also Pezim v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Brokers), [1994] 2 S.C.R. 557, where the Supreme Court held that a change in assay and drilling results was a material change in the company’s assets.

National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards
Part II Timely Disclosure
Section 2.2


(1) Securities legislation permits a company to delay disclosure of a material change and to keep it confidential temporarily where immediate release of the information would be unduly detrimental to the company’s interests. [FN 2] For example, immediate disclosure might interfere with a company’s pursuit of a specific objective or strategy, with ongoing negotiations, or with its ability to complete a transaction. If the harm to a company’s business from disclosing outweighs the general benefit to the market of immediate disclosure, withholding disclosure is justified. In such cases a company may withhold public disclosure, but it must make a confidential filing with the securities commission. [FN 3] Certain jurisdictions also require companies to renew the confidential filing every 10 days should they want to continue to keep the information confidential.

(2) We discourage companies from delaying disclosure for a lengthy period of time as it becomes less likely that confidentiality can be maintained beyond the short term.

FN 2 Confidentiality is also permitted in situations where the material change consists of a decision to implement a change made by the company’s senior management, who believe that confirmation of the decision by the company’s board of directors is probable.

FN 3 While the Québec Securities Act does not require a confidential filing, it does relieve a company from the obligation to disclose a material change if senior management reasonably believes that (i) disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to it; and (ii) no one has purchased or sold, or will purchase and sell its securities based on the undisclosed information. A company must issue and file a press release once the reasons for not disclosing no longer exist.

National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards
Part II Timely Disclosure
Section 2.3

Maintaining Confidentiality

(1) Where disclosure of a material change is delayed, a company must maintain complete confidentiality. During the period before a material change is disclosed, market activity in the company’s securities should be carefully monitored. Any unusual market activity may mean that news of the matter has been leaked and that certain persons are taking advantage of it. If the confidential material change, or rumours about it, have leaked or appear to be impacting the share price, a company should take immediate steps to ensure that a full public announcement is made. This would include contacting the relevant exchange and asking that trading be halted pending the issuance of a news release. [FN 4]

(2) Where a material change is being kept confidential, the company is under a duty to make sure that persons with knowledge of the material change have not made use of such information in purchasing or selling its securities. Such information should not be disclosed to any person or company, except in the necessary course of business.

FN 4 See The Toronto Stock Exchange Statement on Timely Disclosure and Related Guidelines and the TSX Venture Exchange Policy 3.3 Timely Disclosure.