This Part applies to an investment fund that is a reporting issuer.
National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous DisclosurePart 14 Calculation of Net Asset Value
National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 14 Calculation of Net Asset Value
Section 14.2
Calculation, Frequency and Currency
(1) The net asset value of an investment fund must be calculated using the fair value of the investment fund’s assets and liabilities.
(1.1) The net asset value of an investment fund must include the income and expenses of the investment fund accrued up to the date of calculation of the net asset value.
(1.2) For the purposes of subsection (1), fair value means
(a) the market value based on reported prices and quotations in an active market, or
(b) if the market value is not available, or the manager of the investment fund believes that it is unreliable, a value that is fair and reasonable in all the relevant circumstances.
(1.3) The manager of an investment fund must
(a) establish and maintain appropriate written policies and procedures for determining the fair value of the investment fund’s assets and liabilities; and
(b) consistently follow those policies and procedures.
(1.4) The manager of an investment fund must maintain a record of the determination of fair value and the reasons supporting that determination.
(2) For the purposes of calculating net asset value for purchases and redemptions of its securities as required by Parts 9 and 10 of National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds, a labour sponsored or venture capital fund that has included a deferred charge for sales commissions in the calculation may continue to do so, provided that
(a) the calculation reflects the amortization of this deferred charge over the remaining amortization period, and
(b) the labour sponsored or venture capital fund ceased adding to this deferred charge by December 31, 2003.
(3) An investment fund must calculate its net asset value at least as frequently as the following:
(a) if the investment fund does not use specified derivatives or sell securities short, once a week;
(b) if the investment fund uses specified derivatives or sells securities short, once every business day.
(4) A mutual fund that holds securities of other mutual funds must have dates for the calculation of net asset value that are compatible with those of the other mutual funds.
(5) Despite paragraph 3(a), an investment fund that, at the date that this Instrument comes into force, calculates net asset value no less frequently than once a month may continue to calculate net asset value at least as frequently as it does at that date.
(6) The net asset value of an investment fund must be calculated in the currency of Canada or in the currency of the United States of America or both.
(6.1) An investment fund must, upon calculating the net asset value of the investment fund under this section, make the following information available to the public at no cost:
(a) the net asset value of the investment fund;
(b) the net asset value per security of the investment fund unless the investment fund is a scholarship plan.
(7) An investment fund that arranges for the publication of its net asset value or net asset value per security in the financial press must ensure that its current net asset value or net asset value per security is provided on a timely basis to the financial press.
National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 14 Calculation of Net Asset Value
Section 14.3
Portfolio Transactions
The net asset value of an investment fund must include each purchase or sale of a portfolio asset no later than in the next calculation of the net asset value after the date the purchase or sale becomes binding.
National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 14 Calculation of Net Asset Value
Section 14.4
Capital Transactions
The investment fund must include each issue or redemption of a security of the investment fund in the next calculation of net asset value the investment fund makes after the calculation of net asset value used to establish the issue or redemption price.