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Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information
Part 1 Date of Statement
Item 1.1

Relevant Dates

1. Date the statement.

2. Disclose the effective date of the information being provided.

3. Disclose the preparation date of the information being provided.


…(4) Because of the interrelationship between certain of the reporting issuer’s reserves data and other information referred to in this Form 51-101F1 and certain of the information included in its financial statements, the reporting issuer should ensure that its financial statement auditor and its qualified reserves evaluators or auditors are kept apprised of relevant events and transactions, and should facilitate communication between them.

Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information
Part 5 Additional Information Relating to Reserves Data
Item 5.2

Significant Factors or Uncertainties Affecting Reserves Data

Identify and discuss significant economic factors or significant uncertainties that affect particular components of the reserves data.


(1) A reporting issuer must, under this Item, include a discussion of any significant abandonment and reclamation costs, unusually high expected development costs or operating costs, or contractual obligations to produce and sell a significant portion of production at prices substantially below those which could be realized but for those contractual obligations.

(2) If the information required by this Item is presented in the reporting issuer’s financial statements and notes thereto for the most recent financial year ended, the reporting issuer satisfies this Item by directing the reader to that presentation.

Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information
Part 6 Other Oil and Gas Information
Item 6.2.1

Significant Factors or Uncertainties Relevant to Properties with No Attributed Reserve

Identify and discuss significant economic factors or significant uncertainties that have affected or are reasonably expected to affect the anticipated development or production activities on properties with no attributed reserves.


(1) A reporting issuer must, under this Item, include a discussion of any significant abandonment and reclamation costs, unusually high expected development costs or operating costs, or contractual obligations to produce and sell a significant portion of production at prices substantially below those which could be realized but for those contractual obligations.

(2) If the information required by this Item is presented in the reporting issuer’s financial statements and notes thereto for the most recent financial year ended, the reporting issuer satisfies this Item by directing the reader to that presentation.

Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information
Part 6 Other Oil and Gas Information
Item 6.3

Forward Contracts

1. If the reporting issuer is bound by an agreement (including a transportation agreement), directly or through an aggregator, under which it may be precluded from fully realizing, or may be protected from the full effect of, future market prices for oil or gas, describe generally the agreement, discussing dates or time periods and summaries or ranges of volumes and contracted or reasonably estimated values.

2. A reporting issuer may satisfy the requirement in section 1 by including the information required by that section in its financial statements for the financial year ended on the effective date.

3. If the reporting issuer’s transportation obligations or commitments for future physical deliveries of oil or gas exceed the reporting issuer’s expected related future production from its proved reserves, estimated using forecast prices and costs and disclosed under Part 2, discuss such excess, giving information about the amount of the excess, dates or time periods, volumes and reasonably estimated value.

Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information
Part 6 Other Oil and Gas Information
Item 6.6

Costs Incurred

Disclose, by country for the most recent financial year ended each of the following:

(a) property acquisition costs, separately for proved properties and unproved properties;

(b) exploration costs;

(c) development costs.


If the costs specified in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) are presented in the reporting issuer’s financial statements and the notes to those statements for the most recent financial year ended, the reporting issuer satisfies this Item by directing the reader to that presentation.