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Form 41-101F2 Information Required in an Investment Fund Prospectus
Item 37 Documents Incorporated by Reference
Section 37.1

Mandatory Incorporation by Reference

If the investment fund is in continuous distribution, incorporate by reference the following documents in the prospectus, by means of the following statement in substantially the following words under the heading “Documents Incorporated by Reference” :

“Additional information about the fund is available in the following documents:

2. The most recently filed comparative annual financial statements of the investment fund, together with the accompanying report of the auditor.

3. Any interim financial reports of the investment fund filed after those annual financial statements.

These documents are incorporated by reference into the prospectus, which means that they legally form part of this document just as if they were printed as part of this document. You can get a copy of these documents, at your request, and at no cost, by calling [toll-free/collect] [insert the toll-free telephone number or telephone number where collect calls are accepted] or from your dealer. [If applicable] These documents are available on the [investment fund’s/investment fund family’s] Internet site at [insert investment fund’s Internet site address], or by contacting the [investment fund/investment fund family] at [insert investment fund’s /investment fund family’s email address]. These documents and other information about the fund are available on the Internet at www.sedar.com.”