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CSA Staff Notice 55-316 Questions and Answers on Insider Reporting and SEDI
4 Insider Information
4.3 Insider Report
Section 4.3.2

When Do I File My Insider Report On SEDI?

If you already own or control, directly or indirectly, securities or related financial instruments relating to a SEDI issuer, you need to file your insider profile and opening balance reports within 10 calendar days of becoming a reporting insider. You need to file a report of any changes to your holdings within five calendar days [FN 10] of the change.

Note that if you enter into a reportable transaction within 10 calendar days of becoming a reporting insider, this may have the effect of accelerating your requirement to file an insider profile and opening balance report, since you need to take these steps before you can file a report about the reportable transaction. See the example in question 4.2.2. Certain exemptions may allow you to report changes in your holdings later, for example, changes resulting from an automatic share purchase plan. See question 4.5.2.

FN 10 Prior to November 1, 2010, within 10 calendar days.