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CSA Staff Notice 55-316 Questions and Answers on Insider Reporting and SEDI
3 Issuer Information
3.4 Issuer Grant Report
Section 3.4.6

If An Issuer Files An Issuer Grant Report, When Do The Reporting Insiders Need To File Insider Reports About The Grant?

If an issuer files an issuer grant report within five days [FN 8] of a grant, award or issue of securities or related financial instruments, the reporting insiders named in the issuer grant report can report the grant on a deferred basis. Instead of reporting the grant within the usual five day reporting timeframe, the reporting insiders have until March 31 of the next calendar year to report the grant or award.

If, subsequent to the grant and prior to March 31 of the next calendar year, the reporting insider disposes of or transfers the securities or related financial instruments identified in the issuer grant report (other than as part of a specified disposition), the reporting insider must file an insider report within five days of the disposition or transfer.

FN 8 Prior to November 1, 2010, within 10 calendar days.