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National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 5 Delivery of Financial Statements and Management Reports of Fund Performance
Section 5.3

Sending According to Annual Instructions

(1) Subsection 5.1(2) does not apply to an investment fund that requests annual instructions from a securityholder in accordance with this section and sends the documents listed in subsection 5.1(2) according to those instructions.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an investment fund that has previously relied on subsection 5.2(1).

(3) An investment fund relying on subsection 5.3(1) must send annually to each securityholder a request form the securityholder may use to instruct the investment fund as to which of the documents listed in subsection 5.1(2) the securityholder wishes to receive.

(4) The request form described in subsection (3) must be accompanied by a notice explaining that

(a) the securityholder is providing delivery instructions for the current year only; and

(b) the documents are available on the SEDAR website and on the investment fund’s website, if applicable, and by contacting the investment fund.