(1) For the purposes of Item 2, if it has been less than 10 years since securities of the mutual fund were first available to the public, and if the mutual fund is a clone fund and the underlying fund has 10 years of performance history, or if there is another mutual fund with 10 years of performance history that is subject to this Instrument, and has the same fund manager, portfolio manager, investment objectives and investment strategies as the mutual fund, then in either case the mutual fund must calculate the standard deviation of the mutual fund in accordance with Item 2 by
(a) using the available return history of the mutual fund, and
(b) imputing the return history of the underlying fund or the other mutual fund, as the case may be, for the remainder of the 10 year period.
(2) For the purposes of Item 2, if it has been less than 10 years since securities of the mutual fund were first available to the public, and subsection (1) does not apply, the mutual fund must select a reference index in accordance with Item 5 and calculate the standard deviation of the mutual fund in accordance with Item 2 by
(a) using the return history of the mutual fund, and
(b) imputing the return history of the reference index for the remainder of the 10 year period.
Commentary: Generally, if a mutual fund that is structured as a mutual fund trust does not have 10 years of performance history, the past performance of a corporate class version of that mutual fund should be used to fill in the missing past performance information required to calculate standard deviation. Likewise, if a mutual fund that is structured as a corporate class fund does not have 10 years of performance history, the past performance of a mutual fund trust version of that mutual fund should be used to fill in the missing past performance information required to calculate standard deviation.