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Ontario Securities Act
Part XXI Insider Trading and Self-Dealing
Section 117

Filing by management companies

(1) Every management company shall, in respect of each investment fund to which it provides services or advice, file a report prepared in accordance with the regulations of any of the following within 30 days after the end of the month in which it occurs:

1. Every transaction of purchase or sale of securities between the investment fund and any related person or company.

2. Every loan received by the investment fund from, or made by the investment fund to, any of its related persons or companies.

3. Every purchase or sale effected by the investment fund through any related person or company with respect to which the related person or company received a fee either from the investment fund or from the other party to the transaction or from both.

4. Any transaction in which, by arrangement other than an arrangement relating to insider trading in portfolio securities, the investment fund is a joint participant with one or more of its related persons or companies.

Relieving orders

(2) The Commission may, on the application of the management company of an investment fund and where it is of the opinion that it would not be prejudicial to the public interest to do so, order, subject to such terms and conditions as it may impose, that subsection (1) does not apply to any transaction or class of transactions.