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Companion Policy 51-102CP Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 4A Forward-Looking Information
Section 4A.3

Material Forward-Looking Information

Section 4A.3 and section 5.8 of the Instrument require a reporting issuer to include specified disclosure in material forward-looking information it discloses. Reporting issuers should exercise judgement when determining whether information is material. If a reasonable investor’s decision whether or not to buy, sell or hold securities of the reporting issuer would be influenced or changed if the information were omitted or misstated, then the information is likely material.

Section 1.1 contains definitions of the terms “financial outlook” and “FOFI.” We consider FOFI and most financial outlooks to be material forward-looking information. Examples of financial outlooks include expected revenue, profit or loss, earnings per share and R&D spending. A financial outlook relating to profit or loss is commonly referred to as “earnings guidance.”

An example of forward-looking information that is not a financial outlook or FOFI would be an estimate of future store openings by an issuer in the retail industry. This type of information may or may not be material, depending on whether a reasonable investor’s decision whether or not to buy, sell or hold securities of that issuer would be influenced or changed if the information were omitted or misstated.