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National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Takeover Bid and Insider Reporting Issues
Part 5 Aggregation Relief
Section 5.3

Reporting and Record Keeping

(1) In addition to the requirements of sections 5.1 and 5.2, in order to rely on section 5.1 or 5.2, an eligible institutional investor or an affiliate or associate shall indicate in any document released or filed under the applicable provisions or securities legislation related to the applicable definitions

(a) its reliance on either section 5.1 or 5.2;

(b) the identity of the business units or investment funds for which ownership and control of the securities has been disclosed; and

(c) the fact that securities owned or controlled by other business units or investment funds have not been, or may not have been, disclosed.

(2) An eligible institutional investor or affiliate or associate shall maintain records of the details concerning

(a) business units of the entity that are treated separately, by reason of section 5.1, for the purposes of compliance with the applicable provisions and securities legislation related to the applicable definitions; and

(b) investment funds whose ownership of, or control over, securities are treated separately, by reason of section 5.2, for the purposes of compliance with the applicable provisions and securities legislation related to the applicable definitions.