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National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Takeover Bid and Insider Reporting Issues
Part 8 Relief For Pledgees
Section 8.2

Further Relief for de minimis Pledgees

Despite subsection 8.1(2), for securities that are controlled by a person or company as a pledgee, and any securities into which those securities are convertible, exercisable or exchangeable, in either case that are or were pledged, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered as collateral for a debt, under a written pledge agreement and in the ordinary course of the business of the person or company, the person or company is exempt from the applicable provisions, and those securities are not required to be taken into account for the purposes of securities legislation related to the applicable definitions, even if the person or company is legally entitled to dispose of the securities as pledgee for the purpose of applying proceeds of realization in repayment of the secured debt, if

(a) the principal amount of the debt, together with the principal amount of all other debts of or guaranteed by the same borrower to the person or company, does not exceed $2,000,000; and

(b) the pledged securities, and securities into which the pledged securities are convertible, exercisable or exchangeable, constitute less than 10 percent of a class of voting or equity securities.