In the context of Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation (“Form 51-102F6”) or Form 51-102F6V Statement of Executive Compensation – Venture Issuers (“Form 51-102F6V”), if a financial measure is identified (e.g., adjusted net income) and the calculation is described (e.g., net income adjusted for foreign exchange gains or losses) but no financial amount is disclosed (i.e., no dollar amount), it would not be within the scope of the Instrument because a financial measure has not been disclosed, only identified and described.
If a specified financial measure that is in scope of the Instrument is disclosed in Form 51-102F6 or Form 51-102F6V (e.g., adjusted net income of $X), as outlined in subsection 4(2) of the Instrument, only the following information is required, as applicable: the identification of the non-GAAP financial measure under paragraph 6(1)(b) and the quantitative reconciliation of the specified financial measure under clause 6(1)(e)(ii)(C), paragraph 9(c) or clause 10(1)(b)(ii)(C).