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Companion Policy to NI 52-112 Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure
Proximity, composition and usefulness
Re ss. 6(1)(e)(ii)(A), 8(c)(iii)(A), 10(1)(b)(ii)(A), 11(b)

Explain the composition

The composition explanation should include a clear description of how the specified financial measure is calculated. For example, we would expect an issuer to describe the type of adjustments made, such as those for “non-cash” items or the basis being used to determine the type of adjustments.

In most instances, this requirement would not be satisfied just by listing all adjustments made in calculating the measure.

It is important to consider whether any new adjustment made in the calculation of a specified financial measure might constitute a change in composition or whether the adjustment is consistent with the stated usefulness of the measure.