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Companion Policy to NI 81-102 Investment Funds
Part 1 Purpose
Section 1.1


The purpose of this Policy is to state the views of the Canadian securities regulatory authorities on various matters relating to National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds (the “Instrument”), including

(a) the interpretation of various terms used in the Instrument;

(b) recommendations concerning the operating procedures that the Canadian securities regulatory authorities suggest that investment funds subject to the Instrument, or persons performing services for the investment funds, adopt to ensure compliance with the Instrument;

(c) discussions of circumstances in which the Canadian securities regulatory authorities have granted relief from particular requirements of National Policy Statement No. 39 (“NP39”), the predecessor to the Instrument, and the conditions that those authorities imposed in granting that relief; and

(d) recommendations concerning applications for approvals required under, or relief from, provisions of the Instrument.