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Form 81-106F1 Contents of Annual and Interim Management Report of Fund Performance
Part A Instructions and Interpretation
Item 2

Management Discussion of Fund Performance

The management discussion of fund performance is an analysis and explanation that is designed to complement and supplement an investment fund’s financial statements. The discussion is the equivalent to the corporate management discussion and analysis (MD&A) with specific modifications for investment funds. It provides the manager of an investment fund with the opportunity to discuss the investment fund’s position and financial results for the relevant period. The discussion is intended to give a reader the ability to look at the investment fund through the eyes of management by providing both a historical and prospective analysis of the investment activities and operations of the investment fund. Coupled with the financial highlights, this information should enable readers to better assess the investment fund’s performance and future prospects.

Focus the management discussion on material information about the performance of the investment fund, with particular emphasis on known material trends, commitments, events, risks or uncertainties that the manager reasonably expects to have a material effect on the investment fund’s future performance or investment activities.

The description of the disclosure requirements is intentionally general. This Form contains a minimum number of specific instructions in order to allow, as well as encourage, investment funds to discuss their activities in the most appropriate manner and to tailor their comments to their individual circumstances.