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Companion Policy to NI 81-102 Investment Funds
Part 2 Comments on Definitions Contained in the instrument
Section 2.4

“debt-like security” –

Paragraph (b) of the definition of “debt-like security” in the Instrument provides that the value of the component of an instrument that is not linked to the underlying interest of the instrument must account for less than 80% of the aggregate value of the instrument in order that the instrument be considered a debt-like security. The Canadian securities regulatory authorities have structured this provision in this manner to emphasize what they consider the most appropriate manner to value these instruments. That is, one should first value the component of the instrument that is not linked to the underlying interest, as this is often much easier to value than the component that is linked to the underlying interest. The Canadian securities regulatory authorities recognize the valuation difficulties that can arise if one attempts to value, by itself, the component of an instrument that is linked to the underlying interest.