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Form 44-101F1 Short Form Prospectus
Item 10A Reverse Takeover and Probable Reverse Takeover
Item 10A.2

Probable Reverse Takeover Disclosure

If the issuer is involved in a proposed reverse takeover that has progressed to a state where a reasonable person would believe that the likelihood of the reverse takeover being completed is high, provide disclosure about the reverse takeover acquirer by complying with the following:

 1. If the reverse takeover acquirer satisfies the criteria set out in paragraphs 2.2(a), (b), (c), and (d) of the Instrument, incorporate by reference into the short form prospectus all documents that would be required to be incorporated by reference under Item 11 if the reverse takeover acquirer were the issuer of the securities.

2. If paragraph 1 does not apply to the reverse takeover acquirer, include in the short form prospectus the same disclosure about the reverse takeover acquirer that would be required to be contained in Form 41-101F1 if the reverse takeover acquirer were the issuer of the securities being distributed and the reverse takeover acquirer were distributing those securities by way of the short form prospectus.