If an issuer has filed annual financial statements or an interim financial report for periods that are more recent than those that the issuer must otherwise include in a long form prospectus before it files the prospectus, sections 32.6 and 35.8 of Form 41-101F1 require the issuer to include those financial statements in the long form prospectus. Issuers should update the disclosure in the prospectus accordingly in order to satisfy the requirement that the long form prospectus contain full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts relating to the securities being distributed. However, if historical financial information derived from more recent annual financial statements or interim financial report is released to the public by the issuer before the financial statements are filed, the prospectus should include the information included in the news release or public communication. There is no specific requirement in the Instrument to otherwise update the prospectus, or pro forma financial statements to reflect the more recent information.
We think the directors of an issuer should endeavor to consider and approve financial statements in a timely manner and should not delay the approval and filing of the financial statements for the purpose of avoiding their inclusion in a long form prospectus. Once the directors have approved an issuer’s financial statements, the issuer should file them as soon as possible.