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Companion Policy to NI 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 5 Independent Valuations
Section 5.1

Independent Valuations

(1) Part 8 of the Instrument is designed to address the concerns raised by labour sponsored or venture capital funds that disclosing a fair value for their venture investments may disadvantage the private companies in which they invest. Section 8.2 permits alternative disclosure by a labour sponsored or venture capital fund of its statement of investment portfolio. Labour sponsored or venture capital funds must disclose the individual securities in which they invest, but may aggregate all changes from costs of the venture investments, thereby only showing an aggregate adjustment from cost to fair value for these securities. This alternative disclosure is only permitted if the labour sponsored or venture capital fund has obtained an independent valuation in accordance with Part 8 of the Instrument.

(2) The CSA expect the independent valuator’s report to provide either a number or a range of values which the independent valuator considers to be a fair and reasonable expression of the value of the venture investments or of the net asset value of the labour sponsored or venture capital fund. The independent valuation should include a critical review of the valuation methodology and an assessment of whether it was properly applied. A report on compliance with stated valuation policies and practices cannot take the place of an independent valuation.The valuation report should disclose the scope of the review, including any limitations on the scope, and the implications of these limitations on the independent valuator’s conclusion.

(3) The independent valuator should refer to the reporting standards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators for guidance.

(4) A labour sponsored or venture capital fund obtaining an independent valuation should furnish the independent valuator with access to its manager, advisers and all material information in its possession relevant to the independent valuation.

Companion Policy to NI 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
Part 5 Independent Valuations
Section 5.2

Independent Valuators

(1) It is a question of fact as to whether a valuator is independent of the labour sponsored or venture capital fund. In determining the independence of the valuator, a number of factors may be relevant, including whether

(a) the valuator or an affiliated entity has a material financial interest in future business in respect of which an agreement, commitment or understanding exists involving the fund or a person or company listed in paragraph (2)(a); or

(b) the valuator or its affiliated entity is a lender of a material amount of indebtedness to any of the issuers of the fund’s illiquid investments.

(2) The CSA would generally consider a valuator not to be independent of a labour sponsored or venture capital fund where

(a) the valuator or an affiliated entity of the valuator is

(i) the manager of the fund,

(ii) a portfolio adviser of the fund,

(iii) an insider of the fund,

(iv) an associate of the fund,

(v) an affiliated entity of the fund, or

(vi) an affiliated entity of any of the persons or companies named in this paragraph (a);

(b) the compensation of the valuator or an affiliated entity of the valuator depends in whole or in part upon an agreement, arrangement or understanding that gives the valuator, or its affiliated entity, a financial incentive in respect of the conclusions reached in the valuation; or

(c) the valuator or an affiliated entity of the valuator has a material investment in the labour sponsored or venture capital fund or in a portfolio asset of the fund.