A manager must maintain a record of any activity that is subject to the review of the independent review committee, including
(a) a copy of the policies and procedures that address the matter;
(b) minutes of its meetings, if any; and
(c) copies of materials, including any written reports, provided to the independent review committee.
1. This section is intended to assist the CSA in determining whether the manager is adhering to this Instrument, and in identifying weaknesses in the manager’s policies and procedures if violations do occur. The CSA expect managers to keep records in accordance with existing best practices.
2. A manager is expected under this section to keep minutes only of any material discussions it has at meetings with the IRC or internally on matters subject to the review of the IRC.
The CSA do not view this section or this Instrument as preventing the IRC and manager from sharing record keeping and maintaining joint records of IRC and manager meetings.
3. The CSA expect a manager to keep records of the actions it takes in respect of a matter referred to the IRC. This includes any otherwise restricted or prohibited transactions described in subsection 5.2(1) for which the manager requires the IRC’s approval under Part 6 of this Instrument or under Part 4 of NI 81-102.