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Q: what is the main sec md&a rule?

A: The main SEC rule for Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) is found in Item 303 of Regulation S-K. This rule requires registrants to provide a discussion of their financial condition, changes in financial condition, and results of operations. The MD&A must include both quantitative and qualitative information to help investors understand the underlying reasons for material changes in financial statement line items. Additionally, the discussion should cover segment information and other subdivisions of the business if necessary for a comprehensive understanding. Forward-looking information is also encouraged and is protected under the safe harbor rule for projections.

Ontario Securities Commission Rule 14-501 Definitions
Section 1.1(2)


OSC Rule 14-501, s. 1.1(2):

In a rule, unless otherwise defined in the rule…“MD&A” means management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations prepared in accordance with Ontario securities law;

NI 51-102 s. 1.1(1):

In this Instrument:…”MD&A” means a completed Form 51-102F1 Management’s Discussion & Analysis or, in the case of an SEC issuer, a completed Form 51-102F1 or management’s discussion and analysis prepared in accordance with Item 303 of Regulation S-K under the 1934 Act;

The definitions of “MD&A” in NI 52-109, NI 52-112 and proposed NI 51-107 cross-reference to the above definition in NI 51-102.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.2

Filing of MD&A for SEC Issuers

(1) If an SEC issuer that is a reporting issuer is filing its annual or interim MD&A prepared in accordance with Item 303 of Regulation S-K under the 1934 Act, the SEC issuer must file that document on or before the earlier of

(a) the date the SEC issuer would be required to file that document under section 5.1; and

(b) the date the SEC issuer files that document with the SEC.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.5

Approval of MD&A

(1) The annual MD&A that a reporting issuer is required to file under this Part must be approved by the board of directors before being filed.

(2) The interim MD&A that a reporting issuer is required to file under this Part must be approved by the board of directors before being filed.

(3) In fulfilling the requirement in subsection (2), the board of directors may delegate the approval of the interim MD&A required to be filed under this Part to the audit committee of the board of directors.

Form 41-101F1 Information Required in a Prospectus
Item 8 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Item 8.1


(1) For the purposes of this Part, MD&A means a completed Form 51-102F1 or, in the case of an SEC issuer, a completed Form 51-102F1 or management’s discussion and analysis prepared in accordance with Part 303 of Regulation S-K under the 1934 Act.

(2) For MD&A in the form of Form 51-102F1, the issuer

(a) must read the references to a “venture issuer” in Form 51-102F1 to include an IPO venture issuer,

(b) must disregard

(i) the Instruction to section 1.11 of Form 51-102F1, and

(ii) section 1.15 of Form 51-102F1, and

(c) must include the disclosure required by section 1.10 of Form 51-102F1 in the prospectus.


For the purposes of paragraph (2)(c), an issuer cannot satisfy the requirement in section 1.10 of Form 51-102F1 by incorporating by reference its fourth quarter MD&A into the prospectus.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 2 Content of MD&A, Item 1 Annual MD&A
Item 1.15

Other MD&A Requirements

(a) Your MD&A must disclose that additional information relating to your company, including your company’s AIF if your company files an AIF, is on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

(b) Your MD&A must also provide the information required in the following sections of National Instrument 51-102, if applicable:

(i) Section 5.3 – Additional Disclosure for Venture Issuers without Significant Revenue;

(ii) Section 5.4 – Disclosure of Outstanding Share Data; and

(iii) Section 5.7 – Additional Disclosure for Reporting Issuers with Significant Equity Investees.

(c) Your MD&A must include the MD&A disclosure required by National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings and, as applicable, Form 52-109F1 Certification of Annual Filings – Full Certificate, Form 52-109F1R Certification of Refiled Annual Filings, or Form 52-109F1 AIF Certification of Annual Filings in Connection with Voluntarily Filed AIF.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 12-27

Qualified assets on deposit.1

Column A – Name of depositary2 Column B – Cash Column C – Investments in securities Column D – First mortgages and other first liens on real estate Column E – Other Column F – Total33

1 All money columns shall be totaled.

2 Classify names of individual depositaries under group headings, such as banks and states.

3 Total of column F shall agree with note required by Section 210.6-06(4) as to total amount of qualified Assets on Deposit.

Companion Policy 51-102CP Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 MD&A
Section 5.3

Disclosure of Outstanding Share Data

Section 5.4 of the Instrument requires disclosure of information relating to the outstanding securities of the reporting issuer as of the latest practicable date. The “latest practicable date” should be current, as close as possible, to the date of filing of the MD&A. Disclosing the number of securities outstanding at the period end is generally not sufficient to meet this requirement.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.7

Additional Disclosure for Reporting Issuers with Significant Equity Investees

(1) A reporting issuer that has a significant equity investee must disclose in its MD&A for each period referred to in subsection (2),

(a) summarized financial information of the equity investee, including the aggregated amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and profit or loss; and

(b) the reporting issuer’s proportionate interest in the equity investee and any contingent issuance of securities by the equity investee that might significantly affect the reporting issuer’s share of profit or loss.

(2) The disclosure in subsection (1) must be provided for the following periods:

(a) in the case of annual MD&A, for the two most recently completed financial years; and

(b) in the case of interim MD&A for an issuer that is not providing disclosure in accordance with section 2.2.1 of Form 51-102F1, for the most recent year-todate interim period and the comparative year-to-date period presented in the interim financial report.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if

(a) the information required under that subsection has been disclosed in the financial statements to which the MD&A relates; or

(b) the issuer files separate financial statements of the equity investee for the periods referred to in subsection (2).

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 13-02

Affiliates whose securities collateralize securities registered or being registered.

The requirements of this section shall apply to each security registered or being registered that is issued on or after January 4, 2021, and to each registered security issued and outstanding before January 4, 2021, for which the registrant had prior to that date provided the financial statements specified in Section 210.3-16.

(a) For each security subject to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and for each security the offer and sale of which is being registered under the Securities Act of 1933, that is collateralized by a security of the registrant’s affiliate or affiliates, provide the following disclosures to the extent material:

(1) A description of the securities pledged as collateral and the affiliates whose securities are pledged as collateral;

(2) A description of the terms and conditions of the collateral arrangement, including the events or circumstances that would require delivery of the collateral;

(3) A description of the trading market for the affiliate’s security pledged as collateral or a statement that there is no market;

(4) Summarized financial information as specified in Section 210.1-02(bb)(1) of each affiliate whose securities are pledged as collateral as follows, with an accompanying note that briefly describes the basis of presentation:

(i) The summarized financial information of each such affiliate consolidated in the registrant’s financial statements may be presented on a combined basis;

(ii) Intercompany balances and transactions between affiliates whose summarized financial information is presented on a combined basis shall be eliminated; (iii) An affiliate’s amounts due from, amounts due to, and transactions with any of the following shall be presented in separate line items:

(A) The registrant;

(B) Any of the registrant’s subsidiaries not included in the summarized financial information of the affiliate(s); and

(C) Related parties;

(iv) If the information provided in response to the requirements of this section (e.g., the trading market for the affiliate’s security pledged as collateral or a statement that there is no market) is applicable to one or more, but not all, affiliates, separately disclose the summarized financial information applicable to those affiliates. In limited circumstances (i.e., where the separate financial information applicable to those affiliates can be easily explained and understood), narrative disclosure may be provided in lieu of the separate summarized financial information otherwise required by this paragraph (a)(4)(iv);

(v) Disclose this summarized financial information as of and for the most recently ended fiscal year and year-to-date interim period included in the registrant’s consolidated financial statements; and

(vi) Notwithstanding that a registrant may omit this summarized financial information if not material, it may also be omitted if one of the following in paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(A) or (B) of this section is true and disclosed. However, paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(A) does not apply if separate disclosure of summarized financial information applicable to one or more, but not all, affiliates is required by paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of this section:

(A) The assets, liabilities and results of operations of the combined affiliates whose securities are pledged as collateral are not materially different than the corresponding amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements of the registrant; or

(B) The combined affiliates whose securities are pledged as collateral have no material assets, liabilities or results of operations;

(5) In a Securities Act registration statement filed in connection with the offer and sale of the collateralized security, if the registrant acquired a significant business after the date of the registrant’s most recent balance sheet included in its consolidated financial statements and the acquired business, one or more of the acquired business’s subsidiaries, or the acquired business and one or more of its subsidiaries are affiliates whose securities collateralize the registrant’s collateralized security, disclose pre-acquisition summarized financial information as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section for each such affiliate. The acquired business is significant if it meets any of the conditions specified in the definition of significant subsidiary in Section 210.1-02(w), substituting 20 percent for 10 percent each place it appears therein, based on a comparison of the most recent annual financial statements of the acquired business and the registrant’s most recent annual consolidated financial statements filed at or prior to the date of acquisition. The determination of whether a business has been acquired shall be made in accordance with the guidance set forth in Section 210.11-01(d). Acquisitions of a group of related businesses shall be treated as if they are a single business acquisition for purposes of this comparison. The determination of whether a group of businesses are related shall be made in a manner consistent with Section 210.3-05(a)(3);

(6) Any financial and narrative information about each such affiliate if the information would be material for investors to evaluate the pledge of the affiliate’s securities as collateral; and

(7) Sufficient information so as to make the financial and non-financial information presented not misleading.

(b) The registrant may elect to provide the disclosures required by this section in a footnote to its consolidated financial statements or alternatively, in management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations described in Section 229.303 (Item 303 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter. If not otherwise included in the consolidated financial statements or in management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, the registrant must include the disclosures in its prospectus immediately following “Risk Factors,” if any, or otherwise, immediately following pricing information described in Section 229.105 (Item 105 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter.

National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings
Part 8 Exemptions
Section 8.2

Exemption From Interim Requirements For Issuers That Comply With U.S. Laws

(1) Subject to subsection (3), Parts 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 do not apply to an issuer for an interim period if the issuer is in compliance with the SOX 302 Rules and the issuer files signed certificates relating to its quarterly report under the 1934 Act for the quarter separately, but concurrently, and as soon as practicable after they are filed with or furnished to the SEC.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), Parts 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 do not apply to an issuer for an interim period if

(a) the issuer files with or furnishes to the SEC a report on Form 6-K containing the issuer’s quarterly financial statements and MD&A;

(b) the Form 6-K is accompanied by signed certificates that are filed with or furnished to the SEC in the same form required by the SOX 302 Rules; and

(c) the issuer files signed certificates relating to the quarterly report filed or furnished under cover of the Form 6-K as soon as practicable after they are filed with or furnished to the SEC.

(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), Parts 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 apply to an issuer for an interim period if the issuer’s interim financial report or interim MD&A, that together comprise the issuer’s interim filings, differ from the interim financial report or interim MD&A filed with or furnished to the SEC, or included as exhibits to other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC, and certified in compliance with the SOX 302 Rules.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.4

Disclosure of Outstanding Share Data

(1) A reporting issuer must disclose in its annual MD&A and, if the issuer is not providing disclosure in accordance with section 2.2.1 of Form 51-102F1, its interim MD&A, the designation and number or principal amount of

(a) each class and series of voting or equity securities of the reporting issuer for which there are securities outstanding;

(b) each class and series of securities of the reporting issuer for which there are securities outstanding if the securities are convertible into, or exercisable or exchangeable for, voting or equity securities of the reporting issuer; and

(c) subject to subsection (2), each class and series of voting or equity securities of the reporting issuer that are issuable on the conversion, exercise or exchange of outstanding securities of the reporting issuer.

(2) If the exact number or principal amount of voting or equity securities of the reporting issuer that are issuable on the conversion, exercise or exchange of outstanding securities of the reporting issuer is not determinable, the reporting issuer must disclose the maximum number or principal amount of each class and series of voting or equity securities that are issuable on the conversion, exercise or exchange of outstanding securities of the reporting issuer and, if that maximum number or principal amount is not determinable, the reporting issuer must describe the exchange or conversion features and the manner in which the number or principal amount of voting or equity securities will be determined.

(3) The disclosure under subsections (1) and (2) must be prepared as of the latest practicable date.

Form 41-101F1 Information Required in a Prospectus
Item 8 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Item 8.2


(1) Provide MD&A for

(a) the most recent annual financial statements of the issuer included in the prospectus under Part 32, and

(b) the most recent interim financial report of the issuer included in the prospectus under Part 32.

(2) If the prospectus includes the issuer’s annual statements of comprehensive income, statements of changes in equity, and statements of cash flow for three financial years under Part 32, provide MD&A for the second most recent annual financial statements of the issuer included in the prospectus under Part 32.

(3) Despite subsection (2), MD&A for the second most recent annual financial statements of the issuer included in the prospectus under Part 32 may omit disclosure regarding statement of financial position Parts.


Under section 2.2.1 of Form 51-102F1, for financial years beginning on or after July 1, 2015, venture issuers, or IPO venture issuers, have the option of meeting the requirement to provide interim MD&A under section 2.2 of Form 51-102F1 by providing quarterly highlights disclosure.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 1 General Provisions
Section g

Venture Issuers

If your company is a venture issuer, you have the option of meeting the requirement to provide interim MD&A under section 2.2 by instead providing quarterly highlights disclosure. Refer to Companion Policy 51-102CP for guidance on quarterly highlights.

If your company is a venture issuer without significant revenue from operations, in your MD&A including any quarterly highlights, focus your discussion and analysis of financial performance on expenditures and progress towards achieving your business objectives and milestones.

Companion Policy to NI 52-112 Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure
Incorporation by reference
Re s. 5

Incorporation by reference

The Instrument allows an issuer to incorporate by reference certain disclosure, if the reference is to the issuer’s MD&A. To meet the requirement that the MD&A be available on SEDAR under paragraph 5(2)(c) of the Instrument, the MD&A must be filed on SEDAR before, or simultaneously with the document, in order for this MD&A to be used to incorporate any information by reference into the document. For example, if an issuer is filing an annual information form that includes a specified financial measure and the issuer is incorporating certain information in the MD&A by reference to satisfy the disclosure requirements of the Instrument, that MD&A would have to be filed on SEDAR before or simultaneously with the filing of the annual information form.

Paragraph 5(2)(b) requires the identification of the specific location of the required information in the MD&A. To comply with this requirement, identify where the required information is specifically located within the MD&A (e.g., identify the specific MD&A including a reference to the date of the MD&A, its reporting period, and the specific section or page reference within the MD&A) or provide a hyperlink to the specific section or page within the MD&A where the information is located. Issuers would not satisfy this requirement with a general hyperlink to the relevant MD&A.

The Instrument allows an issuer to incorporate by reference certain required disclosure in a news release; however, subsection 5(1) does not apply to the quantitative reconciliation requirements under clauses 6(1)(e)(ii)(C), paragraph 7(2)(d) or 9(c), or clause 10(1)(b)(ii)(C) if the document that contains the specified financial measure is an earnings release filed by the issuer under section 11.4 of NI 51-102.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.1

Filing of MD&A

(1) A reporting issuer must file MD&A relating to its annual financial statements and each interim financial report required under Part 4.

(1.1) Despite subsection (1), a reporting issuer does not have to file MD&A relating to the annual financial statements and interim financial reports required under sections 4.7 and 4.10 for financial years and interim periods that ended before the issuer became a reporting issuer.

(2) Subject to section 5.2, the MD&A required to be filed under subsection (1) must be filed on or before the earlier of

(a) the filing deadlines for the annual financial statements and each interim financial report set out in sections 4.2 and 4.4, as applicable; and

(b) the date the reporting issuer files the financial statements under subsections 4.1(1) or 4.3(1), as applicable.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 6-03

Special rules of general application to registered investment companies and business development companies.

The financial statements filed for persons to which Section 210.6-01 through 210.6-11 are applicable shall be prepared in accordance with the following special rules in addition to the general rules in Section 210.1-01 to 210.4-10 (Articles 1, 2, 3, and 4). Where the requirements of a special rule differ from those prescribed in a general rule, the requirements of the special rule shall be met.

(a) Content of financial statements. The financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this part (Regulation S-X) notwithstanding any provision of the articles of incorporation, trust indenture or other governing legal instruments specifying certain accounting procedures inconsistent with those required in Section 210.6-01 through 210.6-11.

(b) Audited financial statements. Where, under Article 3 of this part, financial statements are required to be audited, the independent accountant shall have been selected and ratified in accordance with section 32 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-31).

(c) Consolidated and combined statements.

(1) Consolidated and combined statements filed for registered investment companies and business development companies shall be prepared in accordance with Section 210.3A-02 and 210.3A-03 (Article 3A), except that:

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) A consolidated statement of the registrant and any of its investment company subsidiaries shall not be filed unless accompanied by a consolidating statement which sets forth the individual statements of each significant subsidiary included in the consolidated statement: Provided, however, That a consolidating statement need not be filed if all included subsidiaries are totally held; and

(iii) Consolidated or combined statements filed for subsidiaries not consolidated with the registrant shall not include any investment companies unless accompanied by consolidating or combining statements which set forth the individual statements of each included investment company which is a significant subsidiary.

(2) If consolidating or combining statements are filed, the amounts included under each caption in which financial data pertaining to affiliates is required to be furnished shall be subdivided to show separately the amounts:

(i) Eliminated in consolidation; and

(ii) Not eliminated in consolidation.

(d) Valuation of investments. The balance sheets of registered investment companies, other than issuers of face-amount certificates, and business development companies, shall reflect all investments at value, with the aggregate cost of each category of investment reported under Section 210.6-04 subsection 1, 2, 3, and 9 or the aggregate cost of each category of investment reported under Section 210.6-05 subsection 1 shown parenthetically. State in a note the methods used in determining the value of investments. As required by section 28(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-28(b)), qualified assets of faceamount certificate companies shall be valued in accordance with certain provisions of the Code of the District of Columbia.

(e) Qualified assets. State in a note the nature of any investments and other assets maintained or required to be maintained, by applicable legal instruments, in respect of outstanding face-amount certificates. If the nature of the qualifying assets and amount thereof are not subject to the provisions of section 28 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-28), a statement to that effect shall be made.

(f) Restricted securities. State in a note unless disclosed elsewhere the following information as to investment securities which cannot be offered for public sale without first being registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.) (restricted securities):

(1) The policy of the person with regard to acquisition of restricted securities.

(2) The policy of the person with regard to valuation of restricted securities. Specific comments shall be given as to the valuation of an investment in one or more issues of securities of a company or group of affiliated companies if any part of such investment is restricted and the aggregate value of the investment in all issues of such company or affiliated group exceeds five percent of the value of total assets. (As used in this paragraph, the term affiliated shall have the meaning given in Section 210.6-02(a).)

(3) A description of the person’s rights with regard to demanding registration of any restricted securities held at the date of the latest balance sheet.

(g) Income recognition. Dividends shall be included in income on the ex-dividend date; interest shall be accrued on a daily basis. Dividends declared on short positions existing on the record date shall be recorded on the ex-dividend date and included as an expense of the period.

(h) Federal income taxes.

(1) The company’s status as a regulated investment company as defined in subtitle A, chapter 1, subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, shall be stated in a note referred to in the appropriate statements. Such note shall also indicate briefly the principal assumptions on which the company relied in making or not making provisions for income taxes. However, a company which retains realized capital gains and designates such gains as a distribution to shareholders in accordance with section 852(b)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code shall, on the last day of its taxable year (and not earlier), make provision for taxes on such undistributed capital gains realized during such year.

(2) State the following amounts based on cost for Federal income tax purposes:

(i) Aggregate gross unrealized appreciation for all investments in which there is an excess of value over tax cost;

(ii) The aggregate gross unrealized depreciation for all investments in which there is an excess of tax cost over value;

(iii) The net unrealized appreciation or depreciation; and

(iv) The aggregate cost of investments for Federal income tax purposes.

(i) Issuance and repurchase by a registered investment company or business development company of its own securities. Disclose for each class of the company’s securities:

(1) The number of shares, units, or principal amount of bonds sold during the period of report, the amount received therefor, and, in the case of shares sold by closed-end management investment companies, the difference, if any, between the amount received and the net asset value or preference in involuntary liquidation (whichever is appropriate) of securities of the same class prior to such sale; and

(2) The number of shares, units, or principal amount of bonds repurchased during the period of report and the cost thereof. Closed-end management investment companies shall furnish the following additional information as to securities repurchased during the period of report:

(i) As to bonds and preferred shares, the aggregate difference between cost and the face amount or preference in involuntary liquidation and, if applicable net assets taken at value as of the date of repurchase were less than such face amount or preference, the aggregate difference between cost and such net asset value;

(ii) As to common shares, the weighted average discount per share, expressed as a percentage, between cost of repurchase and the net asset value applicable to such shares at the date of repurchases. Note to paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (ii): The information required by paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section may be based on reasonable estimates if it is impracticable to determine the exact amounts involved.

(j) Series companies.

(1) The information required by this part shall, in the case of a person which in essence is comprised of more than one separate investment company, be given as if each class or series of such investment company were a separate investment company; this shall not prevent the inclusion, at the option of such person, of information applicable to other classes or series of such person on a comparative basis, except as to footnotes which need not be comparative.

(2) If the particular class or series for which information is provided may be affected by other classes or series of such investment company, such as by the offset of realized gains in one series with realized losses in another, or through contingent liabilities, such situation shall be disclosed.

(k) Certificate reserves.

(1) For companies issuing face-amount certificates subsequent to December 31, 1940 under the provisions of section 28 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-28), balance sheets shall reflect reserves for outstanding certificates computed in accordance with the provisions of section 28(a) of the Act.

(2) For other companies, balance sheets shall reflect reserves for outstanding certificates determined as follows:

(i) For certificates of the installment type, such amount which, together with the lesser of future payments by certificate holders as and when accumulated at a rate not to exceed 3.5 per centum per annum (or such other rate as may be appropriate under the circumstances of a particular case) compounded annually, shall provide the minimum maturity or face amount of the certificate when due.

(ii) For certificates of the fully-paid type, such amount which, as and when accumulated at a rate not to exceed 3.5 per centum per annum (or such other rate as may be appropriate under the circumstances of a particular case) compounded annually, shall provide the amount or amounts payable when due.

(iii) Such amount or accrual therefor, as shall have been credited to the account of any certificate holder in the form of any credit, or any dividend, or any interest in addition to the minimum maturity or face amount specified in the certificate, plus any accumulations on any amount so credited or accrued at rates required under the terms of the certificate.

(iv) An amount equal to all advance payments made by certificate holders, plus any accumulations thereon at rates required under the terms of the certificate.

(v) Amounts for other appropriate contingency reserves, for death and disability benefits or for reinstatement rights on any certificate providing for such benefits or rights.

(l) Inapplicable captions. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 210.4-02 and 210.4-03 which permit the omission of separate captions in financial statements as to which the items and conditions are not present, or the amounts involved not significant. However, amounts involving directors, officers, and affiliates shall nevertheless be separately set forth except as otherwise specifically permitted under a particular caption.

(m) Swing pricing. For a registered investment company that has adopted swing pricing policies and procedures, state in a note to the company’s financial statements:

(1) The general methods used in determining whether the company’s net asset value per share will swing;

(2) Whether the company’s net asset value per share has swung during the year; and

(3) A general description of the effects of swing pricing.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.6

Delivery of MD&A

(1) If a registered holder or beneficial owner of securities, other than debt instruments, of a reporting issuer requests the reporting issuer’s annual or interim MD&A, the reporting issuer must send a copy of the requested MD&A to the person or company that made the request, without charge, by the delivery deadline set out in subsection 4.6(3) for the annual financial statements or interim financial report to which the MD&A relates.

(2) A reporting issuer is not required to send copies of any MD&A under subsection (1) that was filed more than two years before the issuer receives the request.

(3) The requirement to send annual MD&A under subsection (1) does not apply to a reporting issuer that sends its annual MD&A to its securityholders, other than holders of debt instruments, within 140 days of the issuer’s financial year-end and in accordance with NI 54-101.

(4) If a reporting issuer sends MD&A under this section, the reporting issuer must also send, at the same time, the annual financial statements or interim financial report to which the MD&A relates.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 2 Content of MD&A, Item 1 Annual MD&A
Item 1.9

Transactions Between Related Parties

Discuss all transactions between related parties as defined by the issuer’s GAAP.


In discussing your company’s transactions between related parties, your discussion should include both qualitative and quantitative characteristics that are necessary for an understanding of the transactions’ business purpose and economic substance. You should discuss

(A) the relationship and identify the related person or entities;

(B) the business purpose of the transaction;

(C) the recorded amount of the transaction and describe the measurement basis used; and

(D) any ongoing contractual or other commitments resulting from the transaction.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 2 Content of MD&A, Item 1 Annual MD&A
Item 1.11

Proposed Transactions

Discuss the expected effect on financial condition, financial performance and cash flows of any proposed asset or business acquisition or disposition if your company’s board of directors, or senior management who believe that confirmation of the decision by the board is probable, have decided to proceed with the transaction. Include the status of any required shareholder or regulatory approvals.


You do not have to disclose this information if, under section 7.1 of National Instrument 51-102, your company has filed a Form 51-102F3 Material Change Report regarding the transaction on a confidential basis and the report remains confidential.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 7-02

General requirement.

(a) The requirements of the general rules in Section 210.1-01 to 210.4-10 (Articles 1, 2, 3, 3A and 4) shall be applicable except where they differ from requirements of Section 210.7-01 to 210.7-05.

(b) Financial statements filed for mutual life insurance companies and wholly owned stock insurance company subsidiaries of mutual life insurance companies may be prepared in accordance with statutory accounting requirements. Financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory accounting requirements may be condensed as appropriate, but the amounts to be reported for net gain from operations (or net income or loss) and total capital and surplus (or surplus as regards policyholders) shall be the same as those reported on the corresponding Annual Statement.

National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings
Part 8 Exemptions
Section 8.1

Exemption From Annual Requirements For Issuers That Comply With U.S. Laws

(1) Subject to subsection (2), Parts 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 do not apply to an issuer for a financial year if

(a) the issuer is in compliance with the SOX 302 Rules and the issuer files signed certificates relating to its annual report under the 1934 Act separately, but concurrently, and as soon as practicable after they are filed with or furnished to the SEC; and

(b) the issuer is in compliance with the SOX 404 Rules, and the issuer files management’s annual report on internal control over financial reporting and the attestation report on management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting included in the issuer’s annual report under the 1934 Act for the financial year, if applicable, as soon as practicable after they are filed with or furnished to the SEC.

(2) Despite subsection (1), Parts 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 apply to an issuer for a financial year if the issuer’s annual financial statements, annual MD&A or AIF, that together comprise the issuer’s annual filings, differ from the annual financial statements, annual MD&A or AIF filed with or furnished to the SEC, or included as exhibits to other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC, and certified in compliance with the SOX 302 Rules.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 12-23

Mortgage loans on real estate and interest earned on mortgages.1

Part 1 – Mortgage loans on real estate at close of period Part 2 – Interest earned on mortgages
Column A- List by classification indicated below2 3 7 Column B – Prior liens2 Column C – Carrying amount of mortgage8 9 10 11 Column D – Amount of principal unpaid at close of period Column E – Amount of mortgage being foreclosed Column F – Interest due and accrued at end of period6 Column G – Interest income earned applicable to period5
(1) – Total (2) – Subject to delinquent interest4
Liens on:
Farms (total)
Residential (total)
Apartments and business (total)
Unimproved (total)
Total1 2

1 All money columns shall be totaled.

2 If mortgages represent other than first liens, list separately in a schedule in a like manner, indicating briefly the nature of the lien. Information need not be furnished as to such liens which are fully insured or wholly guaranteed by an agency of the United States Government.

3 In a separate schedule classify by states in which the mortgaged property is located the total amounts in support of columns B, C, D and E.

4 (a) Interest in arrears for less than 3 months may be disregarded in computing the total amount of principal subject to delinquent interest.

(b) Of the total principal amount, state the amount acquired from controlled and other affiliates.

5 In order to reconcile the total of column G with the amount shown in the profit and loss or income statement, interest income earned applicable to period from mortgages sold or canceled during period should be added to the total of this column.

6 If the information required by columns F and G is not reasonably available because the obtaining thereof would involve unreasonable effort or expense, such information may be omitted if the registrant shall include a statement showing that unreasonable effort or expense would be involved. In such an event, state in column G for each of the above classes of mortgage loans the average gross rate of interest on mortgage loans held at the end of the fiscal period.

7 Each mortgage loan included in column C in an amount in excess of $500,000 shall be listed separately. Loans from $100,000 to $500,000 shall be grouped by $50,000 groups, indicating the number of loans in each group. .

8 In a footnote to this schedule, furnish a reconciliation, in the following form, of the carrying amount of mortgage loans at the beginning of the period with the total amount shown in column C:

Balance at beginning of period $
Additions during period:
New mortgage loans $
Other (describe)
Deductions during period:
Collections of principal $
Cost of mortgages sold
Amortization of premium
Other (describe)
Balance at close of period $

If additions represent other than cash expenditures, explain. If any of the changes during the period result from transactions, directly or indirectly with affiliates, explain the bases of such transactions, and amounts involved. State the aggregate amount of mortgages (a) renewed and (b) extended. If the carrying amount of the new mortgages is in excess of the unpaid amount (not including interest) of prior mortgages, explain.

9 If any item of mortgage loans on real estate investments has been written down or reserved against pursuant to Section 210.6-03 describe the item and explain the basis for the write-down or reserve.

10 State in a footnote to column C the aggregate cost for Federal income tax purposes.

11 If the total amount shown in column C includes intercompany profits, state the bases of the transactions resulting in such profits and, if practicable, state the amounts thereof.

12 Summarize the aggregate amounts for each column applicable to Section 210.6-06(1) and 6-06(5)(a).

SEC Rules
Regulation S-K
Item 303(b)

Full Fiscal Years

The discussion of financial condition, changes in financial condition and results of operations must provide information as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section and such other information that the registrant believes to be necessary to an understanding of its financial condition, changes in financial condition and results of operations. Where the financial statements reflect material changes from period-to-period in one or more line items, including where material changes within a line item offset one another, describe the underlying reasons for these material changes in quantitative and qualitative terms. Where in the registrant’s judgment a discussion of segment information and/or of other subdivisions (e.g., geographic areas, product lines) of the registrant’s business would be necessary to an understanding of such business, the discussion must focus on each relevant reportable segment and/or other subdivision of the business and on the registrant as a whole.

(1) Liquidity and capital resources. Analyze the registrant’s ability to generate and obtain adequate amounts of cash to meet its requirements and its plans for cash in the short-term (i.e., the next 12 months from the most recent fiscal period end required to be presented) and separately in the long-term (i.e., beyond the next 12 months). The discussion should analyze material cash requirements from known contractual and other obligations. Such disclosures must specify the type of obligation and the relevant time period for the related cash requirements. As part of this analysis, provide the information in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Liquidity. Identify any known trends or any known demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that will result in or that are reasonably likely to result in the registrant’s liquidity increasing or decreasing in any material way. If a material deficiency is identified, indicate the course of action that the registrant has taken or proposes to take to remedy the deficiency. Also identify and separately describe internal and external sources of liquidity, and briefly discuss any material unused sources of liquid assets.

(ii) Capital resources.

(A) Describe the registrant’s material cash requirements, including commitments for capital expenditures, as of the end of the latest fiscal period, the anticipated source of funds needed to satisfy such cash requirements and the general purpose of such requirements.

(B) Describe any known material trends, favorable or unfavorable, in the registrant’s capital resources. Indicate any reasonably likely material changes in the mix and relative cost of such resources. The discussion must consider changes among equity, debt, and any off-balance sheet financing arrangements.

(2) Results of operations.

(i) Describe any unusual or infrequent events or transactions or any significant economic changes that materially affected the amount of reported income from continuing operations and, in each case, indicate the extent to which income was so affected. In addition, describe any other significant components of revenues or expenses that, in the registrant’s judgment, would be material to an understanding of the registrant’s results of operations.

(ii) Describe any known trends or uncertainties that have had or that are reasonably likely to have a material favorable or unfavorable impact on net sales or revenues or income from continuing operations. If the registrant knows of events that are reasonably likely to cause a material change in the relationship between costs and revenues (such as known or reasonably likely future increases in costs of labor or materials or price increases or inventory adjustments), the change in the relationship must be disclosed.

(iii) If the statement of comprehensive income presents material changes from period to period in net sales or revenue, if applicable, describe the extent to which such changes are attributable to changes in prices or to changes in the volume or amount of goods or services being sold or to the introduction of new products or services.

(3) Critical accounting estimates. Critical accounting estimates are those estimates made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles that involve a significant level of estimation uncertainty and have had or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on the financial condition or results of operations of the registrant. Provide qualitative and quantitative information necessary to understand the estimation uncertainty and the impact the critical accounting estimate has had or is reasonably likely to have on financial condition or results of operations to the extent the information is material and reasonably available. This information should include why each critical accounting estimate is subject to uncertainty and, to the extent the information is material and reasonably available, how much each estimate and/or assumption has changed over a relevant period, and the sensitivity of the reported amount to the methods, assumptions and estimates underlying its calculation.

Instructions to paragraph (b): 1. Generally, the discussion must cover the periods covered by the financial statements included in the filing and the registrant may use any presentation that in the registrant’s judgment enhances a reader’s understanding. A smaller reporting company’s discussion must cover the two-year period required in Section 210.8-01 through 210.8-08 of this chapter (Article 8 of Regulation S-X) and may use any presentation that in the registrant’s judgment enhances a reader’s understanding. For registrants providing financial statements covering three years in a filing, discussion about the earliest of the three years may be omitted if such discussion was already included in the registrant’s prior filings on EDGAR that required disclosure in compliance with Section 229.303 (Item 303 of Regulation S-K), provided that registrants electing not to include a discussion of the earliest year must include a statement that identifies the location in the prior filing where the omitted discussion may be found. An emerging growth company, as defined in Section 230.405 of this chapter (Rule 405 of the Securities Act) or Section 240.12b-2 of this chapter (Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act), may provide the discussion required in paragraph (b) of this section for its two most recent fiscal years if, pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77g(a)), it provides audited financial statements for two years in a Securities Act registration statement for the initial public offering of the emerging growth company’s common equity securities.

2. If the reasons underlying a material change in one line item in the financial statements also relate to other line items, no repetition of such reasons in the discussion is required and a line-by-line analysis of the financial statements as a whole is neither required nor generally appropriate. Registrants need not recite the amounts of changes from period to period if they are readily computable from the financial statements. The discussion must not merely repeat numerical data contained in the financial statements.

3. Provide the analysis in a format that facilitates easy understanding and that supplements, and does not duplicate, disclosure already provided in the filing. For critical accounting estimates, this disclosure must supplement, but not duplicate, the description of accounting policies or other disclosures in the notes to the financial statements.

4. For the liquidity and capital resources disclosure, discussion of material cash requirements from known contractual obligations may include, for example, lease obligations, purchase obligations, or other liabilities reflected on the registrant’s balance sheet. Except where it is otherwise clear from the discussion, the registrant must discuss those balance sheet conditions or income or cash flow items which the registrant believes may be indicators of its liquidity condition.

5. Where financial statements presented or incorporated by reference in the registration statement are required by Section 210.4-08(e)(3) of this chapter (Rule 4-08(e)(3) of Regulation S-X) to include disclosure of restrictions on the ability of both consolidated and unconsolidated subsidiaries to transfer funds to the registrant in the form of cash dividends, loans or advances, the discussion of liquidity must include a discussion of the nature and extent of such restrictions and the impact such restrictions have had or are reasonably likely to have on the ability of the parent company to meet its cash obligations.

6. Any forward-looking information supplied is expressly covered by the safe harbor rule for projections. See 17 CFR 230.175 [Rule 175 under the Securities Act], 17 CFR 240.3b-6 [Rule 3b-6 under the Exchange Act], and Securities Act Release No. 6084 (June 25, 1979).

7. All references to the registrant in the discussion and in this section mean the registrant and its subsidiaries consolidated.

8. Discussion of commitments or obligations, including contingent obligations, arising from arrangements with unconsolidated entities or persons that have or are reasonably likely to have a material current or future effect on a registrant’s financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, cash requirements or capital resources must be provided even when the arrangement results in no obligations being reported in the registrant’s consolidated balance sheets. Such off-balance sheet arrangements may include: Guarantees; retained or contingent interests in assets transferred; contractual arrangements that support the credit, liquidity or market risk for transferred assets; obligations that arise or could arise from variable interests held in an unconsolidated entity; or obligations related to derivative instruments that are both indexed to and classified in a registrant’s own equity under U.S. GAAP.

9. If the registrant is a foreign private issuer, briefly discuss any pertinent governmental economic, fiscal, monetary, or political policies or factors that have materially affected or could materially affect, directly or indirectly, its operations or investments by United States nationals. The discussion must also consider the impact of hyperinflation if hyperinflation has occurred in any of the periods for which audited financial statements or unaudited interim financial statements are filed. See Section 210.3-20(c) of this chapter (Rule 3-20(c) of Regulation S-X) for a discussion of cumulative inflation rates that may trigger the requirement in this instruction 9 to this paragraph (b).

10. If the registrant is a foreign private issuer, the discussion must focus on the primary financial statements presented in the registration statement or report. The foreign private issuer must refer to the reconciliation to United States generally accepted accounting principles and discuss any aspects of the difference between foreign and United States generally accepted accounting principles, not discussed in the reconciliation, that the registrant believes are necessary for an understanding of the financial statements as a whole, if applicable.

11. The term statement of comprehensive income is as defined in section 210.1-02 of this chapter (Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X).

Companion Policy to MI 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions
Part 1 General
Section 1.1


The Autorité des marchés financiers and the Ontario Securities Commission (or “we”) regard it as essential, in connection with the disclosure, valuation, review and approval processes followed for insider bids, issuer bids, business combinations and related party transactions, that all security holders be treated in a manner that is fair and that is perceived to be fair. We are of the view that issuers and others who benefit from access to the capital markets assume an obligation to treat security holders fairly, and that the fulfillment of this obligation is essential to the protection of the public interest in maintaining capital markets that operate efficiently, fairly and with integrity.

We do not consider that the types of transactions covered by this Instrument are inherently unfair. We recognize, however, that these transactions are capable of being abusive or unfair, and have made the Instrument to address this.

This Policy expresses our views on certain matters related to the Instrument.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 6A-03

Statements of financial condition.

Statements of financial condition filed under this rule shall comply with the following provisions:

Plan Assets

1. Investments in securities of participating employers. State separately each class of securities of the participating employer or employers.

2. Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers.

(a) United States Government bonds and other obligations. Include only direct obligations of the United States Government.

(b) Other securities. State separately (1) marketable securities and (2) other securities.

3. Investments. Other than securities. State separately each major class.

4. Dividends and interest receivable.

5. Cash.

6. Other assets. State separately (a) total of amounts due from participating employers or any of their directors, officers and principal holders of equity securities; (b) total of amounts due from trustees or managers of the plan; and (c) any other significant amounts.

Liabilities and Plan Equity

7. Liabilities. State separately (a) total of amounts payable to participating employers; (b) total of amounts payable to participating employees; and (c) any other significant amounts.

8. Reserves and other credits. State separately each significant item and describe each such item by using an appropriate caption or by a footnote referred to in the caption.

9. Plan equity at close of period.

National Instrument 52-112 Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure
Part 2 Incorporating information by reference
Section 5

Incorporating information by reference

(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), an issuer may incorporate by reference the information required under any of the following provisions, if the reference is to the issuer’s MD&A:

(a) subparagraph 6(1)(e)(ii);

(b) paragraph 7(2)(d);

(c) subparagraph 8(c)(iii);

(d) paragraph 9(c);

(e) subparagraph 10(1)(b)(ii);

(f) paragraph 11(b).

(2) If, as permitted under subsection (1), an issuer incorporates required information by reference into a document, the issuer must include all of the following in the document:

(a) a statement indicating that the information is incorporated by reference;

(b) a statement that specifies the location of the information in the MD&A;

(c) a statement that the MD&A is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

(3) Despite subsection (1), an issuer must not incorporate by reference the information referred to in subsection (1) in its MD&A if the document that contains the specified financial measure is another MD&A filed by the issuer.

(4) Despite subsection (1), an issuer must not incorporate by reference the information referred to in clause 6(1)(e)(ii)(C), paragraph 7(2)(d) or 9(c) or clause 10(1)(b)(ii)(C) if the document that contains the specified financial measure is in an earnings release filed by the issuer.

Frequently Asked Questions Re NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations (CSA Staff Notice 51-311)
Part C MD&A
Question C-2 Form

re repeating information in MD&A from notes to financial statements

Q: Do I have to duplicate in my MD&A information already included in the notes to the financial statements?

A: Information specifically required by Form 51-102F1 must be included in the MD&A, and simply cross-referencing to a note in the financial statements would not be sufficient. For example, although the notes to the financial statements may include information about contractual obligations, Form 51-102F1 requires an issuer that is not a venture issuer to include in the MD&A a summary, in tabular form, of contractual obligations. In this example a cross-reference would not meet the Form 51-102F1 requirement.

Issuers should use their judgment to ensure the MD&A complements and supplements the financial statements. This may include a discussion and analysis, but not a repetition of details disclosed in notes to the financial statements that are not specifically required by Form 51-102F1.

CSA Staff Notice 55-317 Automatic Securities Disposition Plans
Part 3 Guidance on The Establishment and Administration of ASDPs
Section 3.1

Establishment of The Plan

Entering into the plan by insider

To address concerns that a plan may be contrary to the public interest, ASDPs should be entered into by an insider in good faith, and not for the purpose of evading the insider trading prohibition. In addition, the Legal Defense will not be available if the plan is entered into when the insider is in possession of MNPI with respect to the issuer.

We note that many issuers have adopted an insider trading policy that imposes trading blackouts at certain times [FN 1]. This is intended to prevent trading at times when there is a heightened risk that insiders have MNPI. Trading blackouts are also intended to prevent the appearance of questionable trading, and to protect the reputation of the issuer. Insiders should review and comply with the issuer’s insider trading policy, including any stipulations on when plans may be entered into. In the absence of such stipulations, we recommend that issuers consider amending their insider trading policies to include a specific restriction against entering into ASDPs during trading blackouts.

Oversight by issuer

We recommend that the issuer oversee the establishment and use of ASDPs by its insiders to ensure that the plans and the insiders comply with securities legislation and any insider trading policy or other relevant internal policies that the issuer may have adopted [FN 2].

Oversight of ASDPs by an issuer contributes to their legitimacy and the issuer and its insiders would, in Staff’s view, benefit from the involvement of the issuer. This involvement could reduce reputational exposure for the issuer and litigation risks potentially linked to the improper use of ASDPs by the insider. If the ASDP is not established by the issuer, then we encourage insiders to notify the issuer of their intent to enter into an ASDP in order to enable the issuer to provide guidance and oversight of the ASDP to the insider.

As part of its oversight and to minimize its risks, we recommend that the issuer review the terms and conditions of ASDPs to assess whether they are automatic in substance and contain protections against inappropriate trading activities by insiders. In addition, we recommend that the insider request that the issuer certify to the dealer that, to the best of the issuer’s knowledge, the insider is not in possession of MNPI when entering into the ASDP and that the ASDP is entered into in accordance with any insider trading policy or other relevant internal policies of the issuer.

As part of its risk mitigation, we recommend that the issuer take reasonable steps to periodically confirm that the insider continues to comply with the terms and conditions of the ASDP and any insider trading policy or other relevant internal policies adopted by the issuer.

We also particularly recommend that the issuer monitor the use of the ASDP upon the occurrence of significant events in the life of the issuer before those significant events are publicly disclosed. Examples of significant events include transactions such as a merger, an acquisition or a divestiture, or a material change affecting an issuer’s business, operations or capital. Staff is of the view that monitoring the use of the plan when a significant event occurs in this manner would also assist the issuer in considering whether any amendment, suspension or termination of the plan is appropriate during a period in which the insider may be in possession of MNPI.

FN 1 We note that section 6.10 of National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards contains guidance as to insider trading policies and trading blackout periods.

FN 2 In Quebec, contrary to what is provided under securities legislation in other provinces and territories, an automatic plan must be established by an issuer in order to be used for the purposes of the Legal Defense.

Ontario Securities Commission Rule 14-501 Definitions
Section 1.1(2)

offering memorandum

In a rule, unless otherwise defined in the rule…

offering memorandum” means a document purporting to describe the business and affairs of an issuer that has been prepared primarily for delivery to and review by a prospective purchaser so as to assist the prospective purchaser to make an investment decision for a security being sold in a distribution to which section 53 of the Act would apply but for the availability of one or more of the exemptions contained in Ontario securities law but does not include a document setting out current information about an issuer for the benefit of a prospective purchaser familiar with the issuer through prior investment or business contacts;

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 1 General Provisions
Section a

What is MD&A?

MD&A is a narrative explanation, through the eyes of management, of how your company performed during the period covered by the financial statements, and of your company’s financial condition and future prospects. MD&A complements and supplements your financial statements, but does not form part of your financial statements.

Your objective when preparing the MD&A should be to improve your company’s overall financial disclosure by giving a balanced discussion of your company’s financial performance and financial condition including, without limitation, such considerations as liquidity and capital resources – openly reporting bad news as well as good news. Your MD&A should

  • help current and prospective investors understand what the financial statements show and do not show;
  • discuss material information that may not be fully reflected in the financial statements, such as contingent liabilities, defaults under debt, off-balance sheet financing arrangements, or other contractual obligations;
  • discuss important trends and risks that have affected the financial statements, and trends and risks that are reasonably likely to affect them in the future; and
  • provide information about the quality, and potential variability, of your company’s profit or loss and cash flow, to assist investors in determining if past performance is indicative of future performance.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.8

Disclosure Relating to Previously Disclosed Material Forward-Looking Information

(1) Application – This section applies to material forward-looking information that is disclosed by a reporting issuer other than

(a) forward-looking information contained in an oral statement; or

(b) disclosure that is

(i) subject to the requirements in National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities or National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects; or

(ii) made to comply with the conditions of any exemption from the requirements referred to in subparagraph (i) that a reporting issuer received from a regulator or securities regulatory authority unless the regulator or securities regulatory authority orders that this Part applies to disclosure made under the exemption.

(2) Update – A reporting issuer must discuss in its MD&A

(a) events and circumstances that occurred during the period to which the MD&A relates that are reasonably likely to cause actual results to differ materially from material forward-looking information for a period that is not yet complete that the reporting issuer previously disclosed to the public; and

(b) the expected differences referred to in paragraph (a).

(3) Exemption – Subsection (2) does not apply if the reporting issuer

(a) includes the information required by subsection (2) in a news release issued and filed by the reporting issuer before the filing of the MD&A referred to in subsection (2); and

(b) includes disclosure in the MD&A referred to in subsection (2) that

(i) identifies the news release referred to in paragraph (a);

(ii) states the date of the news release; and

(iii) states that the news release is available at www.sedar.com.

(4) Comparison to Actual – A reporting issuer must disclose and discuss in its MD&A material differences between

(a) actual results for the annual or interim period to which the MD&A relates; and

(b) any FOFI or financial outlook for the period referred to in paragraph (a) that the reporting issuer previously disclosed.

(5) Withdrawal – If during the period to which its MD&A relates, a reporting issuer decides to withdraw previously disclosed material forward-looking information,

(a) the reporting issuer must disclose in its MD&A the decision and discuss the events and circumstances that led the reporting issuer to that decision, including a discussion of the assumptions underlying the forward-looking information that are no longer valid; and

(b) subsection (4) does not apply to the reporting issuer with respect to the MD&A

(i) if the reporting issuer complies with paragraph (a); and

(ii) the MD&A is filed before the end of the period covered by the forward-looking information.

(6) Exemption – Paragraph 5(a) does not apply if the reporting issuer

(a) includes the information required by paragraph (5)(a) in a news release issued and filed by the reporting issuer before the filing of the MD&A referred to in subsection (5); and

(b) includes disclosure in the MD&A referred to in subsection (5) that

(i) identifies the news release referred to in paragraph (a);

(ii) states the date of the news release; and

(iii) states that the news release is available at www.sedar.com.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 9-06

Condensed financial information of registrant.

The information prescribed by Section 210.12-04 shall be presented in a note to the financial statements when the restricted net assets (Section 210.1-02(dd)) of consolidated subsidiaries exceed 25 percent of consolidated net assets as of the end of the most recently completed fiscal year. The investment in and indebtedness of and to bank subsidiaries shall be stated separately in the condensed balance sheet from amounts for other subsidiaries; the amount of cash dividends paid to the registrant for each of the last three years by bank subsidiaries shall be stated separately in the condensed statement of comprehensive income from amounts for other subsidiaries.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 13-01

Guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered.

(a) For each guaranteed security subject to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and for each guaranteed security the offer and sale of which is being registered under the Securities Act of 1933, for which the registrant is the parent company (as that term is defined in Section 210.3-10(b)(1)) of one or more subsidiaries that issue or guarantee the guaranteed security, provide the following disclosures to the extent material:

(1) A description of the issuers and guarantors of the guaranteed security;

(2) A description of the terms and conditions of the guarantees, and how payments to holders of the guaranteed security may be affected by the composition of and relationships among the issuers, guarantors, and subsidiaries of the parent company that are not issuers or guarantors of the guaranteed security;

(3) A description of other factors that may affect payments to holders of the guaranteed security, such as contractual or statutory restrictions on dividends, guarantee enforceability, or the rights of a noncontrolling interest holder;

(4) Summarized financial information as specified in Section 210.1-02(bb)(1) of each issuer and guarantor of the guaranteed security as follows, with an accompanying note that briefly describes the basis of presentation:

(i) The summarized financial information of each such issuer and guarantor consolidated in the parent company’s consolidated financial statements may be presented on a combined basis with the summarized financial information of the parent company;

(ii) Intercompany balances and transactions between issuers and guarantors whose summarized financial information is presented on a combined basis shall be eliminated;

(iii) The summarized financial information shall exclude subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors. An issuer’s or guarantor’s investment in a subsidiary that is not an issuer or guarantor shall not be presented. An issuer’s or guarantor’s amounts due from, amounts due to, and transactions with any of the following shall be presented in separate line items:

(A) Subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors; and

(B) Related parties;

(iv) If the information provided in response to the requirements of this section (e.g., factors that may affect payments to holders of the guaranteed security) is applicable to one or more, but not all, issuers and/or guarantors, separately disclose the summarized financial information applicable to those issuers and/or guarantors. In limited circumstances (i.e., where the separate financial information applicable to those issuers and/or guarantors can be easily explained and understood), narrative disclosure may be provided in lieu of the separate summarized financial information otherwise required by this paragraph (a)(4)(iv);

(v) Disclose this summarized financial information as of and for the most recently ended fiscal year and year-to-date interim period included in the parent company’s consolidated financial statements; and

(vi) Notwithstanding that a parent company may omit this summarized financial information if not material, it may also be omitted if one of the following in paragraphs (a)(4)(vi)(A) through (D) of this section is true and disclosed. However, paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(A) does not apply if separate disclosure of summarized financial information applicable to one or more, but not all, issuers and/or guarantors is required by paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of this section. For the purposes of this section, a finance subsidiary is a subsidiary that has no assets or operations other than those related to the issuance, administration and repayment of the security being registered and any other securities guaranteed by its parent company:

(A) The assets, liabilities and results of operations of the combined issuers and guarantors of the guaranteed security are not materially different than corresponding amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements of the parent company;

(B) The combined issuers and guarantors, excluding investments in subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors, have no material assets, liabilities or results of operations;

(C) The issuer is a finance subsidiary of the parent company, the parent company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed the security, and no other subsidiary of the parent company guarantees the security; or

(D) The issuer is a finance subsidiary that co-issued the security, jointly and severally, with the parent company, and no other subsidiary of the parent company guarantees the security;

(5) In a Securities Act registration statement filed in connection with the offer and sale of the guaranteed security, if the parent company acquired a significant business after the date of the parent company’s most recent balance sheet included in its consolidated financial statements and the acquired business, one or more of the acquired business’s subsidiaries, or the acquired business and one or more of its subsidiaries are issuers or guarantors of the guaranteed securities, disclose preacquisition summarized financial information as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section for each such issuer or guarantor. The acquired business is significant if it meets any of the conditions specified in the definition of significant subsidiary in Section 210.1-02(w), substituting 20 percent for 10 percent each place it appears therein, based on a comparison of the most recent annual financial statements of the acquired business and the parent company’s most recent annual consolidated financial statements filed at or prior to the date of acquisition. The determination of whether a business has been acquired shall be made in accordance with the guidance set forth in Section 210.11-01(d). Acquisitions of a group of related businesses shall be treated as if they are a single business acquisition for purposes of this comparison. The determination of whether a group of businesses are related shall be made in a manner consistent with Section 210.3-05(a)(3);

(6) Any financial and narrative information about each guarantor if the information would be material for investors to evaluate the sufficiency of the guarantee; and

(7) Sufficient information so as to make the financial and non-financial information presented not misleading.

(b) The parent company may elect to provide the disclosures required by this section in a footnote to its consolidated financial statements or alternatively, in management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations described in Section 229.303 (Item 303 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter. If not otherwise included in the consolidated financial statements or in management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, the parent company must include the disclosures in its prospectus immediately following “Risk Factors,” if any, or otherwise, immediately following pricing information described in Section 229.105 (Item 105 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter.

National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 Management's Discussion and Analysis
Section 5.3

Additional Disclosure for Venture Issuers without Significant Revenue

(1) A venture issuer that has not had significant revenue from operations in either of its last two financial years, must disclose in its MD&A, for each period referred to in subsection (2), a breakdown of material components of

(a) exploration and evaluation assets or expenditures;

(b) expensed research and development costs;

(c) intangible assets arising from development;

(d) general and administration expenses; and

(e) any material costs, whether expensed or recognized as assets, not referred to in paragraphs (a) through (d);

and if the venture issuer’s business primarily involves mining exploration and development, the analysis of exploration and evaluation assets or expenditures must be presented on a property-by-property basis.

(2) The disclosure in subsection (1) must be provided for the following periods:

(a) in the case of annual MD&A, for the two most recently completed financial years; and

(b) in the case of interim MD&A for an issuer that is not providing disclosure in accordance with section 2.2.1 of Form 51-102F1, for the most recent year-todate interim period and the comparative year-to-date period presented in the interim financial report.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the information required under that subsection has been disclosed in the financial statements to which the MD&A relates.

Companion Policy 51-102CP Continuous Disclosure Obligations
Part 5 MD&A
Section 5.5

Previously Disclosed Material Forward-Looking Information

(1) Subsection 5.8(2) of the Instrument requires a reporting issuer to discuss certain events and circumstances that occurred during the period to which its MD&A relates. The events to be discussed are those that are reasonably likely to cause actual results to differ materially from material forward-looking information for a period that is not yet complete. This discussion is only required if the reporting issuer previously disclosed the forward-looking information to the public. Subsection 5.8(2) also requires a reporting issuer to discuss the expected differences.

For example, assume that a reporting issuer published FOFI for the current year assuming no change in the prime interest rate, but by the end of the second quarter the prime interest rate went up by 2%. In its MD&A for the second quarter, the reporting issuer should discuss the interest rate increase and its expected effect on results compared to those indicated in the FOFI.

A reporting issuer should consider whether the events and circumstances that trigger MD&A disclosure under subsection 5.8(2) of the Instrument might also trigger material change reporting requirements under Part 7 of the Instrument.

(2) Subsection 5.8(4) of the Instrument requires a reporting issuer to disclose and discuss material differences between actual results for the annual or interim period to which its MD&A relates and any FOFI or financial outlook for that period that the reporting issuer previously disclosed to the public. A reporting issuer should disclose and discuss material differences for material individual items included in the FOFI or financial outlook, including assumptions.

For example, if the actual dollar amount of revenue approximates forecasted revenue but the sales mix or sales volume differs materially from what the reporting issuer expected, the reporting issuer should explain the differences.

(3) Subsection 5.8(5) of the Instrument addresses a reporting issuer’s decision to withdraw previously disclosed material forward-looking information. The subsection requires the reporting issuer to disclose that decision and discuss the events and circumstances that led the reporting issuer to the decision to withdraw the material forward-looking information, including a discussion of the assumptions included in the material forward-looking information that are no longer valid. A reporting issuer should consider whether the events and circumstances that trigger MD&A disclosure under subsection 5.8(5) of the Instrument might also trigger material change reporting requirements under Part 7 of the Instrument. We encourage all reporting issuers to promptly communicate to the market a decision to withdraw material forward-looking information, even if the material change reporting requirements are not triggered.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 12-12A

Investments – securities sold short.

[For management investment companies only]

Col. A Col. B Col. C
Name of issuer and title of issue1 2 3  Balance of short position at close of period (number of shares) Value of each open short position 4 5 6

1 Each issue shall be listed separately.

2 Categorize the schedule as required by instruction 2 of Section 210.12-12.

3 Indicate the interest rate or preferential dividend rate and maturity date, as applicable, for preferred stocks, convertible securities, fixed income securities, government securities, loan participations and assignments, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, certificates of deposit, short-term securities, repurchase agreements, or other instruments with a stated rate of income. For variable rate securities, indicate a description of the reference rate and spread and: (1) The end of period interest rate or (2) disclose the end of period reference rate for each reference rate described in the Schedule in a note to the Schedule. For securities with payment in kind income, disclose the rate paid in kind.

4 The subtotals for each category of investments, subdivided both by type of investment and industry, country, or geographic region, shall be shown together with their percentage value compared to net assets.

5 Column C shall be totaled. The total of Column C shall agree with the correlative amounts shown on the related balance sheet.

6 Indicate by an appropriate symbol each issue of securities whose value was determined using significant unobservable inputs.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 2 Content of MD&A, Item 1 Annual MD&A
Item 1.8

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

Discuss any off-balance sheet arrangements that have, or are reasonably likely to have, a current or future effect on the financial performance or financial condition of your company including, without limitation, such considerations as liquidity and capital resources. In your discussion of off-balance sheet arrangements you should discuss their business purpose and activities, their economic substance, risks associated with the arrangements, and the key terms and conditions associated with any commitments. Your discussion should include

(a) a description of the other contracting party(ies);

(b) the effects of terminating the arrangement;

(c) the amounts receivable or payable, revenue, expenses and cash flows resulting from the arrangement;

(d) the nature and amounts of any other obligations or liabilities arising from the arrangement that could require your company to provide funding under the arrangement and the triggering events or circumstances that could cause them to arise; and

(e) any known event, commitment, trend or uncertainty that may affect the availability or benefits of the arrangement (including any termination) and the course of action that management has taken, or proposes to take, in response to any such circumstances.


(i) Off-balance sheet arrangements include any contractual arrangement with an entity not reported on a consolidated basis with your company, under which your company has

(A) any obligation under certain guarantee contracts;

(B) a retained or contingent interest in assets transferred to an unconsolidated entity or similar arrangement that serves as credit, liquidity or market risk support to that entity for the assets;

(C) any obligation under certain derivative instruments; or

(D) any obligation held by your company in an unconsolidated entity that provides financing, liquidity, market risk or credit risk support to your company, or engages in leasing, hedging activities or, research and development services with your company.

(ii) Contingent liabilities arising out of litigation, arbitration or regulatory actions are not considered to be off-balance sheet arrangements.

(iii) Disclosure of off-balance sheet arrangements should cover the most recently completed financial year. However, the discussion should address changes from the previous year where such discussion is necessary to understand the disclosure.

(iv) The discussion need not repeat information provided in the notes to the financial statements if the discussion clearly cross-references to specific information in the relevant notes and integrates the substance of the notes into the discussion in a manner that explains the significance of the information not included in the MD&A.

CSA Staff Notice 55-317 Automatic Securities Disposition Plans
Part 3 Guidance on The Establishment and Administration of ASDPs

Guidance is not Legally Determinative*

We encourage issuers and insiders to consider the following guidance when establishing and using ASDPs and reporting trades under the plans. Following the recommendations presented in this notice is not a substitute for a legal determination regarding the availability of the Legal Defense to protect insiders from insider trading liability. As such, insiders should perform their own analysis to determine whether the Legal Defense has been satisfied.

*This title is provided by Lexata; it is not part of the notice.

Form 51-102F1 Management's Discussion & Analysis
Part 2 Content of MD&A, Item 1 Annual MD&A
Item 1.13

Changes in Accounting Policies including Initial Adoption

Discuss and analyze any changes in your company’s accounting policies, including

(a) for any accounting policies that you have adopted or expect to adopt subsequent to the end of your most recently completed financial year, including changes you have made or expect to make voluntarily and those due to a change in an accounting standard or a new accounting standard that you do not have to adopt until a future date, you should

(i) describe the new standard, the date you are required to adopt it and, if determined, the date you plan to adopt it;

(ii) disclose the methods of adoption permitted by the accounting standard and the method you expect to use;

(iii) discuss the expected effect on your company’s financial statements, or if applicable, state that you cannot reasonably estimate the effect; and

(iv) discuss the potential effect on your business, for example technical violations or default of debt covenants or changes in business practices; and

(b) for any accounting policies that you have initially adopted during the most recently completed financial year, you should

(i) describe the events or transactions that gave rise to the initial adoption of an accounting policy;

(ii) describe the accounting policy that has been adopted and the method of applying that policy;

(iii) discuss the effect resulting from the initial adoption of the accounting policy on your company’s financial position, changes in financial position and financial performance;

(iv) if your company is permitted a choice among acceptable accounting policies,

(A) state that you made a choice among acceptable alternatives;

(B) identify the alternatives;

(C) describe why you made the choice that you did; and

(D) discuss the effect, where material, on your company’s financial position, changes in financial position and financial performance under the alternatives not chosen; and

(v) if no accounting literature exists that covers the accounting for the events or transactions giving rise to your initial adoption of the accounting policy, explain your decision regarding which accounting policy to use and the method of applying that policy.


You do not have to present the discussion under paragraph 1.13(b) for the initial adoption of accounting policies resulting from the adoption of new accounting standards.

National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards
Part 1 Definitions and Interpretation
Section 1.1 Definitions

SEC issuer

In this Instrument:…

SEC issuer” means an issuer that

(a) has a class of securities registered under section 12 of the 1934 Act or is required to file reports under section 15(d) of the 1934 Act, and

(b) is not registered or required to be registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940 of the United States of America, as amended from time to time;

Lexata note: “SEC issuer” is defined the same way in NI 51-102, which is in turn cross-referenced in NI 41-101.

SEC Rules
Regulation S-X
Form and Content of and Requirements for Financial Statements
Section 1-01

Application of Regulation S-X (17 CFR part 210).

(a) This part (together with the Financial Reporting Releases (part 211 of this chapter)) sets forth the form and content of and requirements for financial statements required to be filed as a part of:

(1) Registration statements under the Securities Act of 1933 (part 239 of this chapter), except as otherwise specifically provided in the forms which are to be used for registration under this Act;

(2) Registration statements under section 12 (subpart C of part 249 of this chapter), annual or other reports under sections 13 and 15(d) (subparts D and E of part 249 of this chapter), and proxy and information statements under section 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 except as otherwise specifically provided in the forms which are to be used for registration and reporting under these sections of this Act; and

(3) Registration statements and shareholder reports under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (part 274 of this chapter), except as otherwise specifically provided in the forms which are to be used for registration under this Act.

(b) The term financial statements as used in this part shall be deemed to include all notes to the statements and all related schedules.

(c) In addition to filings pursuant to the Federal securities laws, Section 210.4-10 applies to the preparation of accounts by persons engaged, in whole or in part, in the production of crude oil or natural gas in the United States pursuant to section 503 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6383) (EPCA) and section 1(c) of the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 796), as amended by section 505 of EPCA.